Mountains and Sky

Would you like to find more joy, fulfillment, and freedom in your life?

We all want to be happy. Unfortunately for many of us, pain and dissatisfaction are realities that we face day-to-day in a variety of different forms:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Self-Destructive Habits
  • Unfulfilling Relationships and Careers
  • Grief and Trauma

All of these can stand in the way of our experience of the joy life has to offer. When we're caught in them, it can be hard to see a way out, but I believe freedom is possible and that loving your life is not out of reach.

If you're tired of feeling stuck, Holistic Coaching can help.

What is holistic coaching? Holistic coaching focuses on the whole person. Mind, body, and spirit all contribute to the experience of ease or dis-ease, so holistic therapy focuses on all aspects of your experience to help you find your way from suffering into healing.


Sometimes our minds can be our biggest enemies. Negative or self-limiting beliefs keep us from reaching out and moving forward in our lives in satisfying ways. Holistic coaching helps us uncover the roots of these harmful beliefs, and helps to dissolve them so that we're free to thrive.


Our bodies are the vehicles through which we relate to others and the world. Our bodies are the carriers of our experience, and they often hold on to the trauma and emotional pain that we haven't yet found a way to move through. Using holistic, body-focused psychotherapy, we'll address these physical holding patterns so that you can recover your joy and freedom.


I believe spirituality is something that is very personal and so much guided by one's own heart. Holistic psychotherapy can include space for exploring the deeper truths of your life, not through giving answers, but by facilitating your discovery of these answers within yourself.

How does it work? What does holistic coaching look like?

Holistic coaching uses a combination of talk, mindful inward exploration, and body-centered interventions to invite and support your emotional experience. Safety, compassion, and non-judgmental presence are foundational to this practice.

We'll talk about what's going on for you. We'll look deeply to find out where you're stuck, and we'll find a way to invite and support whatever wants to be expressed through words, emotions, and body to help you find your freedom again.

This process can help you:

  • Release Anxiety
  • Recover your Joy
  • Let go of Self-Destructive Behaviors
  • Heal your Relationships
  • Move through Grief and Trauma
  • and Discover your Authentic Self

So that you move forward into living a life of more joy, meaning, and fulfillment. Sometimes, just a few sessions are effective in bringing about real and meaningful change in your life.

My name is Dan Hoffman, and I work with individuals, couples, and groups to make these kinds of change into a reality, and to help each person that I serve more fully realize and embrace their innate worth, beauty, creativity, and power.

If you'd like to contact me to set up a session (or to ask a question and talk a little bit more) feel free to send me an email at Or, call or text me at (248) 504-7735. I look forward to getting in touch!

I have a sliding-scale fee, and I'm happy to discuss an agreement that feels mutually supportive.

Wishing you health, happiness, and peace,


Dan Hoffman, MA, PhD(c)