Letting Go and Learning to Accept Support

Tension, for many of us, seems to be an uncomfortable fact of life. When we run into stress, it tends to find its way into our bodies somehow. This can make it difficult to relax, can contribute to sleep problems, and can even generate pain (especially in our necks, shoulders, and backs). Fortunately, there are many ways to address these stresses and strains in our bodies. The following is one practice I have found that offers simple and effective relief.

I've recorded this exercise as a guided meditation (with or without some relaxing river sounds in the background) that you can listen to online for free or download if you'd like. Otherwise, you can learn the steps as I've written them below and practice them at your own pace.

Here's the basic procedure:

To begin, find a comfortable place to lie down, flat on your back. You might want a pillow for under your head. Bend your knees and let the soles of your feet rest on the floor, a comfortable distance from the bottom of your hips. Alternatively, you can let your legs rest in their extended position, with a pillow under your knees for support.

Once you're comfortable, take a moment to feel the connection between your body and the support underneath you. Feel the physical sensations of contact between the ground , and each part of your body that is resting on it.

Take a moment to breathe and scan your body, feeling the contact with the ground underneath you. If you are aware of tension at this point, simply acknowledge it and let it be exactly as it is, just for now.

When you are ready, pick one area of tension to focus on. Start to build awareness of this area by feeling the tightening in your muscles that is maintaining the tension.

Begin to notice the connection from the ground underneath your body up to the area that is tightening. Notice how the ground underneath you is supporting this part of your body. You don't have to do anything other than just feeling this connection, this support.

Then, ask yourself a simple question: "Is this tension necessary, or is there any way to just let go a little bit more into the support that's there?"

Simply notice the response in your body, and give yourself as much time as you need to stay with the question. You don't have to try and make anything happen. You don't have to try to relax. Just notice the sense of being supported, and see what the muscles would like to do as you become more aware of the support that's there for you.

Repeat this process for any part of your body where you are aware of tension. When you feel complete, give yourself a few moments to rest and simply feel that new, enhanced sense of being supported. When you are ready, get up very slowly and gently.

To recap, here is the process in simplified form:

  • Lie on your back on a firm, supportive surface.
  • Scan your body, feeling the contact points with the ground.
  • Take a moment to breathe, feeling that connection and support.
  • When you're ready, focus on one area of your body that is tight.
  • Notice the sensations of tightness that are there.
  • Feel how the ground underneath you is supporting the area of your body that has been tight.
  • Continue to focus on that feeling of support, posing the question: "Is this tension necessary, or is there any way to just let go a little bit more into the support that's there?"
  • Give each area as much time as it needs.
  • Repeat for any area that is tight.

Remember, when you're done, to give yourself time to get up slowly and gently.

When we start to let go into the experience of being held, we can begin to discover that maybe we don't have to try so hard or hold on so tightly ourselves. What develops is a sense of trust for the ground underneath you that can help your body feel safe in letting go.

This kind of physical trust can take time to develop, so make sure to allow this to be a gentle, nurturing process. Do your best to be kind to your body if there is tension that some part of you is not quite ready to release or let go yet.

Sometimes, opening up to letting go and trusting support can be a powerful experience. Don't be surprised if emotions come up in this process. If they do, it can be helpful to process them with a friend, or even a somatic therapist like me. As always, I'm happy to help and offer additional support if you'd like.

Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you find this process to be as helpful in releasing tension and building self-awareness as I have! If you have any questions, please send them to todiscoverfreedom@gmail.com, and I'll do my best to answer them.

Wishing you health and happiness,
